Send your CV
Recruiting at George Y. Yiangou LLC
We employ individuals with various academic backgrounds depending on the recruitment needs of the Company.
We usually hire for the following categories:
- Qualified Lawyers
- Trainee Lawyers
- Support functions
Applicants interested in joining George Y. Yiangou LLC, may send their CV to [email protected] or attach their CV to the form. All applicants receive an automatic reply confirming receipt of their application.
In case there are no vacancies, we shall keep the CV in our active database for maximum one year.
When we receive an application for a specific vacancy, we assess if the experience and/or qualifications of the applicant match the requirements of the position and if so, we are in further contact with the candidate within the 30 days to inform them about our recruitment process.
All applications will be treated with utmost confidentiality.